What You Can Do

Here’s how you can help make the world a better place…

Go online and log onto your favorite social media hangouts (Facebook, etc) and your personal email accounts too.

Write these words:  “What do you think of this?”

Then copy the link to this website: www.ItsTheJews.com

Then click send or post.

That’s all there is to it. Revolution was never so easy.


“How can I help” is one of the most meaningful questions we can ask ourselves.  What can any of us do on personal and on a global level?

This is about spreading the word and telling everyone you know the truth. There are large networks of people who meet to answer the big questions: “What can be done?” and “What can I do?”

That’s why the above comment about sending links to others is important. We have to get the conversation rolling, and with the internet, the potential for real change is possible, now like never before. This is why now is the time.

This movement needs to grow to the level of global awareness. We need to bring people together for a search for solutions. Groups of people meeting to discuss and understand these issues, open to all concerned citizens around the world.

But what else can you do? That’s for everyone to answer for themselves. Soul searching, prayer, asking for spiritual guidance as to what your best course of action is. It’s for everyone to find for themselves. You will find answers that no one else could have told you. Thank you for caring.


We’re all in this together, and we can make it happen. Smile.